
The One All Powerful All of a Non-Local Quantum Entangled Mind

Is there a benevolent power that will arrange our future and punish unfair people? I have had many experiences of its happening. I do not have definitive evidence.  

My belief is the One All Powerful All is more powerful than Gods that have no evidence of existing. 

I do not think the universe has consciousness or mind separate and prior to  the evolution of the brain from mindless matter. The arrangement of the future and the interventions that happen must come from beings that also came from a mindless material beginning. 

We now know that reality is non local and the physical consciousness I have described is therefore entangled with all material everywhere. It is conscious because we are and the mind is non local.

This explains PSI. Our human mind is entangled with the most powerful minds no matter how far away they may be. Time and space is not a limitation in a non-local reality.