
Extraterrestrial Mystery Behind Our World Events.

Is our reality on rails? In other words, is something unknown and unseen  controlling us or arranging how our day goes? I am seeing that something like this is true. Can we get this mystery to arrange the world’s future for us in a way that we desire it to be arranged? Can we get it to do what we want to some degree? I am being told we can. 

The being that is telling me is what I define as my extraterrestrial friend. I communicate with my ET friend telepathically. This is the mystery explained, but I have no objective evidence. My ET friend is in our minds and in our world events arranging things.

It appears to me that the world is a game between two teams. The words at the top of the website are “Uniting the world by invitation – Grants us victory over all those doing us wrong.” 

This is team fairness. The other team is team unfairness. If team fairness wins, all of team unfairness will have joined the winning side of team fairness. Everyone will now agree to be fair to everyone. This is the only thing we want from team unfairness. 

The opening words at the top of the website ask to be granted that those doing fair people wrong be defeated. We are not taking any action against unfair people. We are asking the arranger of our world to arrange the win for team fairness. Team fairness’s only action is in surrendering to the “All Powerful All” and asking for victory over people that are doing us wrong. My extraterrestrial friend does all the work. We ask that those hurting us with unfairness be punished until they stop.

The ETs are behind our myths about the Gods. They could not have told human the actual truth yet. So, they told them they are the Humans Heavenly Father or something like that.

Maybe the Extraterrestrials will come out of hiding soon to take a bow and introduce themselves.