
A Law That Everyone Will Love

Fairness is subjective. We all choose what it is for ourselves. Law is about punishment for law breakers. The Way of Fairness has a Law. It is the Law Of Fairness. The way of fairness is not the ruling power yet. We want it to be the ruler of the world. We want fairness for all and from all to rule all. 

We will not hurt anyone, rather we surrender to everyone to serve and protect everyone from unfairness. We will be the best way for parents to protect their friends, families and children from unfair harm. 

We want everyone to join us by this invitation. We are confident we will be the world order eliminating lawless chaos and lawful corruption and unfairness by implementing the law of fairness as the foundational law of all laws. It means that all laws are to create this fairness. All governments and religions are to create this fairness. 

We have no visible penalty to punish those that break the Law of Fairness. Our intention is to put all those that will not agree to The Law of fairness in solitary confinement in a standardized one size fits all cell unless they agree to the Law of fairness. Those that agree will be granted absolution and exoneration. We will establish this punishment for those that do not agree to be ruled by the law of fairness as soon as possible. 

We are punishing those that won’t agree to fairness now with thoughts and prayers. They just got a curse of being found out. Those that agree to fairness just got privacy, secrecy, love and protection

When you join we want you to have more fun than you ever have had. You do not need to confess your past. It is a secret. Your past is completely irrelevant. We do not care what wrongs you have already done or how unfair you have been. We only want one thing from members and it is to stop doing anyone wrong and to be fair to everyone and to serve and protect everyone while they are deciding what things they want to do. We want to create safety for everyone. No one should ever be put down or made fun of. 

With the Law of fairness people are not good or evil. Rather, people are fair or unfair. No one is less than anyone else and no one is above anyone else. We all count the same and no one is judged s less than. We all stop ourselves from being unfair or judging others. We help and protect others instead.

We ask for victory from each other and from all beings that agree to join us. We ask for all unfair beings to be defeated unless they join us for our protection and joy. Gods, Devils, Extraterrestrials, ghosts, demons, angels and all species of life are invited to join us. Even Santa Clause and Fred Flintstone are invited.  We know they are not even real. This is just some off the wall humor. We ask that you base your beliefs on evidence. Subjective experiential evidence is not expected to be verified with evidence. For example, dreams of specific things cannot be verified with evidence. It is subjective so far. Those that join us are forgiven of everything and honored. We want to save you from prosecution by unfair laws. We invite all governments and religions as well. All of us will personally benefit from this new order of the world. Shhh! Oh it is now your turn to talk. I am listening.