
What God is Against Atheists?

Some religions claim that if we refuse to surrender to them their God will punish us for all eternity. They claim we will be punished in hell. They claim this God is real, even though there’s no evidence. They have faith that their is a God that will punish atheists for all eternity.

Atheists are different. Atheists make no claim that there is no God. They believe there’s no God based on evidence. Atheists would believe there’s a God if there was evidence. Atheists are not told to be in a war against believers of God. Atheists do not believe believers should be killed. Atheists do not have faith that believers will burn in hell forever.

Some believers think atheists should be killed. They have faith God will kill them all. They have faith that all atheists will surrender to God and fear God.

Atheists do not say that people that believe in God will be punished in eternal hell, and they don’t say believers should be killed. They don’t have faith that something will kill them all. Atheists do not have faith that all believers will surrender to atheists and fear them.