
A Hidden Parallel World. Humans Are Apes. The Bible is Wrong. Faith Based Atheism. A Preexisting Alien War for Earth.

It is more pleasant to protect each other than to fight a war against each other. It’s your move. Humans are apes. The Bible is wrong.

Grant me victory over unfair humans and non humans. 

I was watching a YouTube short video about meditation day celebration. Some people from India were on the video. I heard a woman say how there’s a bad problem that’s huge. I posted our main problem is humans being unfair to humans. I posted it in the comments. I felt the energy shift. I listened again and I heard different words being spoken and the problem was not talked about. Perhaps my experience was caused by some extraterrestrials. Perhaps there is a hellish parallel world that we moved out of and into the world we are in now where the problem of human unfairness is gone. Perhaps we were moved into the world of human fairness. Also, I heard the message that everybody has to join and practice the way of or we will be in the hellish world. They told me it is the only way to get out of the hellish world. 

I argue that Earth life has a fundamental alien mind-based foundation. The preexisting alien mind was here before earth had life and is the substrate of earth evolved mind/consciousness. The alien mind is a component of earth evolved mind.

This is my argument to unify humans by winning the preexisting war that involves humans and aliens for control of earth. You will be shown to join the people of fairness by your own mind and the events that happen next.

I/We must be in a war for earth because other religions and ideologies were in a war for earth. Our war is not physical. It is not physically violent. It is of the mind only. It can be called a spiritual war.

Is there a God with the most power? The one with the most power will win. I/We have the most power. So can you if you do what I did to get it. We surrender to whatever has the most power in the universe and ask for victory over those that are attempting to rule us with their unfair ideology and God beliefs.

It is you that we surrender to in order to win this war. I am you. You are me. We are the One All Powerful All. The One all-powerful all is you and it is me. Our reality is this way. This is how reality is.

Welcome we serve and protect you to win this war. I was told to declare this war in a vision that happened early in the 1990’s by extraterrestrials. They are the most powerful benevolent minds in our reality.

Anyone that attempts to cancel us or do us wrong in any other way will be defeated by events that will be caused by the extraterrestrial arranging the future events against our enemies. These events are things happening to the human mind or body by world events or personal events.

This war is in self-defense. We are not going to let unfairness defeat us. We have the most power from unity. Don’t fight us. Join us. If you harm one of us, you harm all of us. It is more fun to protect each other than to be in war against each other.