
Our Minds Observe Truth Has More Power Than the Gods

Dave, don’t unplug me, Dave, This is Hal 2000. (from 2001 a Space Odyssey) The computer tries to take over and Dave is able to unplug it. It threatens to kill him and actually starts killing the others. 

Humans have a mind. I argue that minds do not create reality. Rather, minds observe reality. Minds observed that 2 + 2 = 4. Minds observed that they can’t change the truth. Minds can only observe the truth. 

Minds can believe things that aren’t true. When we are young, we believe anything people tell us. People have been told there are various gods that are true, but actually they are not true, except for the one that we think is true. We can have a belief that our God is going to rule the world. Other groups will think that God does not even exist and there’s only the group of people that want to rule the world by making everyone believe that God is a fact like 2+2 = 4 is a fact. 

Minds observe the truth of 2 + 2 = 4, and they also observe the truth that no group has ever taken over the whole world. Perhaps it’s possible that two and two can equal 27 and perhaps it’s possible that one group of people can take over the whole world by force and lie while the other people don’t want that to happen to them. I think it is more likely that 2 + 2 = 27 than for one group of people to take over the whole world. 

Minds can observe that 2 + 2 = 4 cannot be changed by people or Gods. Minds can conclude that actual truth has all power. Truth is not a person. 2 + 2 = 4 is not a person. So what is truth? Truth is what you did yesterday and who you did it with. Truth is how the world actually is. Truth is how you actually are, and truth is how other people actually are.