
Opposition to The World Human Fairness Agreement Results in Punishment.

Those that oppose The World Human Fairness Agreement are being punished by a power greater than their lesser power. People of fairness are being protected and supported by a higher power. It is the most powerful force. People that think they can do what they want are being punished.

The greater power told me to declare war on those being unfair to me long ago. I was told I can defeat evil, but it will be difficult. It has been difficult. I am feeling confident that it is happening now.

“Free will” or “do whatever you want” is a way to determine who is choosing good and who is choosing evil. When good is chosen, all is forgiven.

The force of evil is choosing to do others wrong, and the force of good is choosing to not do others wrong.

We all count the same. There is no leader above us. Being fair to each other is the master of all. Those that disagree will be punished by a greater power than they are.