
The Cause of Our Self Destruction?

The Problem is The World. Who is the One That Will Save Us?

What is the world we are talking about here? It is the people. Earth with no humans would be just fine. Maybe earth likes humans. The universe will be just fine without the earth. Maybe the universe likes the earth. Maybe the universe likes humans? Some people think God is the universe. Maybe God likes humans. Maybe extraterrestrials will help us?

We the people of the world are divided into groups, none of which have the power to take over the world. We are fighting each other to the point of total failure, total destruction. How does this happen? What is causing it? At the root of our self-destruction is human systemic unfairness.

We lack the power to stop our self-destruction and we lack the power to understand our self-destruction. Do you agree it is wrong for us to be destroying ourselves? If so, then it is a moral issue. In other words, it is wrong. We are doing wrong. We are powerless over ourselves to stop doing this wrong that is destroying ourselves. We have no unity to stop the self-destruction that we are powerless over. We need to unite and stop our self-destruction. If we get distracted, we will self-destruct. What causes our divisional fighting that is destroying us? Where do we get the power to save us? Where do we get the power to stop human systemic unfairness.

Because we all live on the same planet with the same universal laws, maybe we could get all humans unified and practicing this tentative ideology or religion? They can keep their way of belief they have now and go back to it if this does not work.

If it works, the human ignorance that is causing our destruction and possible extinction would be gone. Humans would be a successful happy species without war and hatred.

Could we convince all spiritual or religious people to try this devotion or service to the One All-Powerful All, putting their religions aside temporarily? Could we get atheists to try it? Most humans are unhappy and struggling as a normal way of life. What we are doing now is not working. Could we pursued or interest everyone – regardless of their present beliefs to try this way of thinking as described here? Could we interest them to find out for themselves if there is a benevolent power – that may be God, or it may simply be our collective minds in the universe – that will grant all humans a personal victory?

We could get everyone to hear and learn of this with meetings or by sharing this text.

Opening statement to be read at the start of all meetings.

Please read this daily

Welcome Everyone

We Agree to be fair to everyone. We agree to stop doing others wrong. We agree to protect everyone and to never judge anyone as less than or greater than we are. Rather than judge others we protect others. We serve others. We never dominate anyone. We never turn people against anyone. We never tell people they are they are wrong to not be serving our side. Instead, we create unity. We stop doing others wrong.

If you are convinced that we all need to be fair to each other see if you can do it. If you are like me, you will not be capable of fairness in thought and actions all of the time. You will need help from everyone to be fair to everyone. This is why we surrender to the one with all power to get help.

We give ourselves to the One All Powerful All. In order to join something, we need to give ourselves to it, so it is what we are. We are the One All Powerful All. It is what everything is. It is what you are. It is the one that will save us.

We do not need to “let it go.” We hear this phrase often as advice or direction to deal with our problems with the world. rather than letting go. Give the problem to the One All Powerful all and ask for victory to be given to you. Ask for victory over the person that is doing you wrong. A person doing us wrong wants us to let it go and let them continue doing us wrong. The person doing us wrong may say we will all die, or the earth will burn. I do not think we will all die, or the earth will burn, but maybe the person doing us wrong will burn and die. Unfairness is evil. It is the only evil there is and it is trying to defeat us though unfair people. They would have won in a fair fight. Unfair people do not fight fair. They tell us “as long as your happy” Then they try to distract you from stopping their unfairness. They try to get us to “let it go” We are winning in a fair fight, and they need to surrender to being fair to everyone like we already have. People that are unfair try to give us the stench.

A Poem: We burn the stench with fire so stop being such a lair.

We ask for protection from unfair people, groups, governments and religions, laws etc.  We ask for our personal victory over these problems. We ask that The All Powerful All direct everyone to join us. We want all people, religions, governments etc. to join with us.

We do not enforce fairness ourselves. The One All Powerful All does the enforcing for us. This is where a mystery of arrangement takes place. Perhaps something intervenes? When we stop doing others wrong and we are given our own victory. We are given victory over those that do us wrong. The One All Powerful All Stops them, and they join us. They join the winning side. We no longer need to fight the others. The One All Powerful All that we joined with fights for us, so we don’t need to. We stop judging others and protect them instead.

Atheists and Believers on the same team.

Our Identity

Our foundational, primary identity is the supreme, the biggest, the most powerful of all. It is what owns us first of all. It is what we belong to first of all. It is what we were before we were born, and it will be what we are after we die. It is the supreme identity. There is nothing beyond this one. It is the One All Powerful All. It is what I am. The All takes the form of all the people, all the life form and all the things. It became me in the human form. It became you also.

People that have faith that it is God can agree. Next, we may have the identity of belonging to ourselves, our family, our specific religion and Nation-state. But first we can all be on this biggest and most powerful team of all – The One All Powerful All. It is the team we need to serve first of all to get its protection. How can we serve and protect it? Ask it if you can with thoughts or prayers. 

All of us live on planet Earth. In the circle of life all life can be seen as one. It gave us life and the earth keeps us alive, and we keep each other alive with our contributions of work and growing food etc. We all keep each other alive by helping and serving each other with our work, our support and our protection of each other. We serve and protect our pets, and they serve and protect us with their love and loyalty. The same applies to our families and friends. We have love and loyalty for them also.

We are believers that believe the One All Powerful All is the only Supreme Being from a faith-based belief system and we are also atheists that believe the One All Powerful All is an alliance of minds that are known and also unknown to us. Atheists agree with the way of fairness from an evidence-based belief system. The One All Powerful All is everything and everyone. It is us but we are not it. It is the one that will save us.

We think it necessary that all unfair people are punished with suffering from the One All Powerful All. We do not cause this ourselves. The suffering convinces them to join us as people of fairness. We ask that people of fairness be granted prosperity and joy from the arrangement of the One All Powerful All. It is the one that will save us.

We are creating new thought patterns that will become a habit. This new thinking will make our future wonderful rather than horrific.

We have found a way to join enemies together as friends for a common priceless treasure – for a common victory. We will all win. The best days of humanity are straight ahead. This is the path to get there.