
My Current Belief System Includes Advanced Aliens

My belief system has changed many times. My current version is that extremely advanced extraterrestrials have complete control of our minds whenever they want. They are working with us and testing us every day and even more so in dreams. They watch us make harmful choices. They know we must solve our own problems. They know we must choose to learn what’s true and false by ourselves. 

They will enable us to believe falsehood if we want it. They watch and support the creation of false reality. They watch as we reject truth and attack people that speak truth. They enable us to think we are superior to and more important than others. They validate our own delusions. They make fools of those that think others are fools or less important or less powerful.

Humans are not the only species they are working with. They are so advanced that they are everywhere at once. They know the complete future of our reality. They know we need to change it ourselves or parish in it. 

I think it is best to not believe anything for sure. They support human delusion. It is us choosing what we think is true and what we think is important. 

They watch as we go over the edge of the cliff of extinction while we think other issues are more important. These issues are mostly delusional from our hedonistic priorities. This is why truth is more important than love.

My belief system has changed many times. My current version is that extremely advanced extraterrestrials have complete control of our minds whenever they want. They are working with us and testing us every day and even more so in dreams. They watch us make harmful choices. They know we must solve our own problems. They know we must choose to learn what’s true and false by ourselves. 

They will enable us to believe falsehood if we want it. They watch and support the creation of false reality. They watch as we reject truth and attack people that speak truth. They enable us to think we are superior to and more important than others. Humans are not the only species they are working with. They are so advanced that they are everywhere at once. They know the complete future of our reality. They know we need to change it ourselves or parish in it. 

I think it is best to not believe anything for sure. They support human delusion. It is us choosing what we think is true and what we think is important. 

We need to surrender to them and ask them for victory over our human problem. Humans cannot solve human because human is the problem.