
Many Apes are Still Insisting They Are Not Apes and Truth is That There is a God

Many apes are still insisting there is a God and that they are not apes and they were created in God’s image. They claim the bible is the infallible word of God almighty. They claim they are not a monkey’s uncle. They claim Christ is going to be king of kings and all knees will bow to surrender to him. Those that refuse will be cast into outer darkness and be placed in eternal hell. 

These people are animals, they are apes. They cannot change the truth about reality with faith. 

We as faith based spiritual atheists have faith that they will agree with us humans that know we are animals, and we know we are mammals, and we know we are 1 of 5 types of great apes. We know we evolved from a mindless process and that our universe appears to have happened for no reason. We know we do not know very much yet. We know there is an actual truth but we don’t fully know what it is and may never know what it is. We have faith we will understand the actual truth of how it is that we exist more completely one day. We have faith there will be an afterlife created by the most advanced benevolent extraterrestrials. We have faith that these extraterrestrials are the foundation for our God stories. 

We are faith based spiritual atheists and we know we are apes, and we have faith warlike apes with guns and bombs will not kill us for disagreeing with them – for not surrendering to them – for not believing what they believe.

One more thing – WE ARE NOT GOING TO SHUT UP! We are not ruled by them, we are ruled by law. Death threats are a felony.