
I Do Not Care if People Want to Choose The Way of Fairness.

The Way of Fairness is an agreement people can make. It is an option for people to choose to join with. It is based on the idea that the goal is to stop people from doing each other wrong. Why would people agree? If you agree your past wrongdoing is secret. You are absolved and exonerated of your past.  I do not care if the world chooses this option. I am being protected by the One All Powerful All and it might end the lives or worse of unfair people. It is giving me victory over my difficulties on a daily basis. I lose to win. I cannot control the world. I surrender to the world and ask the all powerful for victory over it. I really don’t care if people want to be forgiven and let off the hook for their past. I do not care if they don’t want their secret defended by us or not. It’s just an option. If it is what everyone wants I will not have power over anyone. If it does not happen I may be granted power over the world. It is up to the servants of the One  All Powerful All