
Faith Based Spiritual Atheism.

Actual Truth Matches Faith Based Atheism. 

Skeptical Atheists Have the cosmology right. They have the biology right. But it just did not match up with my inner experience in my own mind and my own dreams. Basically, for science, evidence is objects. That’s great. However, we have dreams at night. We have internal mental phenomena that happen. I heard the biblical definition of faith is “evidence for things unseen.” There has always been this great gap between science and faith. I knew there was something wrong with the picture. Typically, atheists would totally reject anything like aliens or ghosts. My love for the truth we learn from science, forced me out of being a believer in God – yet I’m having precognitive dreams and I’m having telepathic communication with extraterrestrials. I just didn’t fit in anywhere. Now I’ve defined my perfect fit. I am a faith-based atheist. So far I am the only one. I know this is where I belong and everybody who matches up with this is invited to join me. 

There has always been an impasse with skeptical atheists talking with believers. The conversation is stuck and it never changes. My argument has changed this. My faith-based claim that unfair believers will go to a hell that is created by Extremely advanced atheist extraterrestrials. When a believer says that atheists are going to go to hell it is going to be the believer that goes to hell. I have faith that this is true. I have hundreds of dreams that are preparing me to join the other side when I die. Atheists can now have faith that we do not die at death.

I am hoping that this newfound power of faith-based atheism will bring about the world human fairness agreement with the quickness. All of the religions can be modified so that they’re not unfair to any group of people. Once we have religion on board, we will be able to get the governments on board easily. I am extremely happy with my new term “faith-based atheism.”