
Faith Based Spiritual Atheism – We Can Defeat Unfair Faith Based Religions.

Listen to me. I am not certain of this. This is what I think is true and truth is very important to me. If I win, you win. If I win, we all count same. If I win, fairness will be the boss of all of us, including myself.

It is me. No one will defeat me. No one else can be the one they chose. This fact will not change. The Ones above put me in the role of savior through extraterrestrial communication. The Jesus idea is not going to save the world. The way of fairness is. It is their show. There is no God. They are extraterrestrials. 

I am a faith-based atheist. I have faith there is no God. I have faith there is an afterlife with a heaven and hell that is created by atheist servants of the One All Powerful All. People of religions that have been unfair to atheists will go to hell. These atheist servants of the all-powerful all are the most powerful extraterrestrials. 

The demonic beings that control earth tell me telepathically that I better give up or I better run. I want to punish them. I have faith that I will be their punishing Lord of the hell they are headed for that is created by the extraterrestrials. They must stop doing me wrong or their fates will be worse than death. Their problem will not end at death. 

If you want to know more about the precognitive dreams and the vision in which I was told to declare war, go to my website. Just click my pic and go from there. I have been communicating with aliens my whole life. We want the wars and poverty on earth to stop. All Human problems will be stopped with the world human fairness agreement. 

It is too late for you and your world, but not for me and my world. Those that are not with us are condemned. If you join us, it is not too late for you either. If you are chosen by the ones above, you will be shown. The first step is to join the website and practice fairness. The Way of Fairness .com. They told me this is the only way. Everything else is irrelevant.