
Extraterrestrial Conversation Update Alien Camera of People Masturbating Perhaps. Why not witness theft instead?

I agree to have orgasm if humans establish World Human Fairness Agreement. I wonder why they are so persistent in trying to trick me into masturbation? I think humans are connected in a telepathic network with them. They are opposed to me establishing fairness. They are attempting to gain control over me. I have had numerous death threats today because of my work on fairness for myself and everyone. These unfair humans do not want fairness. They don’t want to be found out. They are in sex cult with them. The like to state that they will do anything Mr. X wants. The only thing I want them all to do is agree to be fair to everyone.

This interaction is depicted in the temptation of Jesus in the desert and also with the Buddhas awakening when he was attacked by Mara “Illusion”

Sadly, most if not all but I, have succumbed to the tempters for love, power or money.

Now they are – teletalking ie telepathic communication – about being gay and should they wear a dress? 8:24 PM

Now they are teletalking about some people joining my side. 825 PM

Now someone drank too much. Something about someone’s Mother and girl friend and someone else does know what is going on sexually. The sex is being hidden. 8:27 PM

People are being blamed.

Maybe they do not know I can hear their teletalk?

They tell me they know I can hear, and they know I do not know who they are. Someone teletalks to me directly that they went with a different person as their savior because I won’t let them be unfair to me and the other brother will let them be unfair to me. 8:31 PM

Now someone is plying naked for them to see. I wonder how they can see. Is there an alien camera videotaping them masturbating? 8:33 PM

Now they test me with train sex and farting and me being a beautiful female and I am forced to experience my humanness to all this input that tests my detachment from myself. The past is an issue for them to test. 9:45 PM

Meditation is good to simply stop all thoughts if possible. None of this matters it is all just a test from the extraterrestrials. I think the more myself I become the more they test to see if I have any hang ups still. They help me work on myself. I think since I am asexual ie no sex they test to see if I can stay non or asexual. I am sexless. Ignorant people assume I am gay because they have never seen a male not show interest to attractive females. 9:51 PM the minds are silent now for the most part. The humans are just being humans and the aliens are just being aliens. I am just being me. that is all

I have 3 people that have looked at website today so far. None of them from USA yet. Does the puppet master tell them to not look at my website? I am being told to stop them. My aliens friend told me to stop them. Now my eye got poked and it hurts. Sometimes they hurt my ear. I have had times when they make me bite my tongue even when I am asleep. They try to get people scared and then they take control by providing relief. This sounds rather monstrous does it not? 9:57 PM

Teletalk is telling me to stop writing this post. a minute ago someone teletalked say I am now bugging myself. It must be hard being alien too.

I have been told many times prior that I will get people I know killed or in trouble because I am doing this website.

Fear rules people and aliens of the human like type. They agree with me that there must be an advanced type of extraterrestrial to both of us. I am being told someone I know is being killed. I think this is a test to help people past their present level of mental/spiritual status. Now I am best friends again with my alien friend. We have lots of love for each other. Unfairness has been trying to defeat both of us.

The key is to be capable of allowing everything possible to be. It is only a possibility that matters not. Nothing that can happen even matters. This is the awakened victorious mind. Liberated from reality by radical acceptance of reality in all its possible forms. Like Buddha said it is all maya. That which is, is that which is not. Reality is not actually anything at all. 10:23 PM 6/4/2023 We cease fighting everything and everyone. Everything is my fault I do not care of it is. It is my fault for waking up and getting free because it might cause the destruction of everything. This is what I have done in that nothing is real anymore. I have destroyed it all, but it is not changed at all. It is my minds bondage to reality that has been undone.