
Evidence of the Paranormal and Implementation of The Way of Fairness Agreement Happen Together. We Will Have a Secret Life of Fairness.

People want to prove telepathy, but no one is documenting what people are hearing and thinking in the telepathic conversation? Why? I think its fear of being harmed in some way. Or, of not getting what we want if we talk about it. Shhh!

We know that people are mentally connected somehow. We feel and experience it every time we are around others, and sometimes even when we are alone. The thoughts we have change because of the others.

I am hearing telepathically that the telepathic battle is a major area of conflict. It is at the root of republican versus democratconflict. It is involved in conflict between religions. We can think anything about anyone. Violent thoughts are common to others. A battle is going on to defeat people with thoughts alone. 

I heard a telepathic thought appearing to be from an individual. The thought was, “Don’t call me an idiot.” A few minutes later I opened a news site on my desktop computer. The top headline was, “The idiot incriminates himself.” I assume I had a precognitive event. I wondered if I could provide Psi evidence. I heard telepathically, “But I don’t want you to.” I am in disagreement with the non-corporal mind. The first thought I heard this morning was to go up Lanbs Canyon. The non corporal mind is leading me to an event of a girl showing me her pussy. Teletalk, “pull them down.” Then someone else said, “Don’t do it.” Then, “It will be impossible.” They are talking about impossible to control me I think.

Yesterday after being given an indication that I will be granted sex a man asked me if I was going to do it? How did he know? In response to me writing this I telepath from them, “He needs to go. He is bugging me again.”

They are in a telepathic conversation now. They are talking about taking a stand against me and joining my brother John over me. Apparently, they are trying to control me and perhaps my brother John. I think this is the aliens I dreamed about years ago, that have been controlling humans to solve their problem if being lost or trapped. In the dream we end the war between us with me as their guide or instructor.

Apparently, they are frustrated that they cannot control me so one of them says, “He needs to go, it is not working out.”

Apparently they use our desire and willingness to be commanded for sex. They also use threats of painful events such as being thrown out or banished. Clearly they are trying to control me. Why me? Are others having this happen to them? Are some of the humans aware that this is going on with me?

What are they trying to control humans/me? Maybe they are afraid that humans/I will find out what they did to humans/me. There is a secret they keep from humans/me. Humans/me die before they can explain this so it becomes common knowledge. 

I think of Lambs Canyon rendezvous. I hear one say, “I will get naked” then she asks if I am ready. I am sexually aroused. 

I am trying to make this experience understandable and find out if it happened to others? The others may be attacked for talking about it or rewarded if they don’t. 

I was wondering if they want all this kept secret period. I heard they want this stuff to be known. My conclusion is that aliens want us to know they are here and that the problem is resolved with the way a fairness agreement. What humans/aliens have done in the past is secret. But humans/aliens have to agree to the way of fairness agreement. We will have a secret life of fairness.