
Don’t call Me Buck Wheat

Apparently There is no Extraterrestrials that will provide evidence that I am the king of the earth or that I am the one that saves us from disaster or that I am the one that has the most valuable writing or that I am the one that stops the aliens’ wars on humans. The above issues are all from alien dreams I have had since the early 90s. Maybe evidence will be provided soon? 

My inner world is now about the same issue it has always been about since I was a child. My Brother John is unfair and he claims we are not the same. He thinks his kind of people are above the law of fairness. The remedy is to lock up in solitary confinement everyone that will not agree to equal fairness for all humans. Any unfairness is not allowed. It is not that hard to be willing to stop being unfair to others and to pay back if we are unfair. 

I had a dream years ago that I made John leave my house and he is with a lamb. It is probably Jesus as a lamb. The voice in the dream tells me to cut his throat. I wake up to think about what the dream might mean.