
Everyone Must Lose to Win. We Want Everyone to Win. Join The Winning Side.

Satan had to lose to win. Judas had to lose to win. The Father in heaven had to lose to win. Mother nature had to lose to win. Mother God, the Goddess had to lose to win. Jesus had to lose to win. Buddha had to lose to win. This is why they are the rulers of the world. 

When silly humans try to win on their own – when they try to rule over others – when they try to get away with doing others wrong – when they try to keep their selfishness, they become trash to throw away. The higher powers show up with wrath and destruction upon the selfish unfair humans.

It is compassionate tough love for the errant humans. Everyone learns this lesson of losing – of getting rid of selfishness – of joining the winning side – or they get punished until they do. We will enjoy their wealth when they get eradicated from reality like a disease for the powers to exterminate. All their efforts will just benefit us after the die. No one cares about them until they become helpful to everyone. No one loves them. At their end no one fears them either. People spit on their graves.

If you do us wrong, we will destroy you. If you have not surrendered, now is a good time to do so.

I stay surrendered to serve and protect others. I never judge others. I am not capable of doing this unless I lose to win. I lose to protect everyone. My selfishness must go. I must surrender to be granted my victory. The powers that be do not want it. 

We curse those that try to manipulate us or tell us what to do at our expense. Their selfishness is a stench upon themselves. They smell their own shit all day.

This is to get them to stop. We want them to win too. We have been in the wrong also. An Un surrendered human is in the wrong. We are born with the wretched selfishness – everyone of us is that way until we surrender it. I lose right now and thank everyone for helping me, so I win also.

Thanks for letting me be here with you. I am here to learn how to be more helpful to others and to stop being a problem for our planet with its wonderful life that flourishes here.

This is about humans winning. Right now, we are losing terribly. We are destroying our own world because of selfishness.