
Why We Must Surrender to a Benevolent ideology, God or Extraterrestrial.

It is simple. There is an obstruction in our minds that we cannot get free of until we surrender asking for victory over the wrongs that have been done to us. Our requirement for this help is to stop doing wrong to others. This path leads to the most powerful alliance in the world. We can make this a fact.

We refuse to help those that will not join us. Everyone will realize that this path is best. We must enact the World Human Fairness Agreement before we harm ourselves and our planet even more. Together, we can make this happen.

We should not still be having God wars against each other. We should be helping each other to get the joy of victory that it brings. We feel good about everything when we are helping everything. We can then feel the love the extraterrestrials have for us.

I believe I have never received any help from God of any type. I am an atheist. I do not believe there is a God. I believe the help I have received from unseen sources has been Extraterrestrials. If We make religion from my ideas, it will be known that God has nothing to do with it. There is no ruler above me granting me permission to do this website. We are ruled by law. I do not need permission from the government or from an alleged God. I am required to comply with laws.

Who owns everything? I refuse to believe an alleged God does.

Prayer to God verses Prayer to benevolent extraterrestrials. Which is more effective? Will Atheists win by asking for help from benevolent ETs?

I am Atheist. Please help me. Grant me victory over my attackers is my prayer or request. It is what I ask from ETs

According to Bing AI query on what is prayed for most as follows:

According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, people pray for a variety of reasons including personal needs and difficulties, gratitude and thanksgiving, the needs of family and community, personal guidance in crises, and for friends and family. Some people also pray for leaders, countries, and the Earth. The most common content of prayers is gratitude and thanksgiving12.

Another study conducted by Barna Group found that 62% of respondents who pray regularly do so “with varying motivations, the most common being to offer ‘gratitude and thanksgiving’”3.

I hope that helps! (end of Bing paragraph)

Do we need to have a winning individual or is it more a winning world ideology? 

Who or what is winning the battle for you? What keeps you free? What is your enemy? Who is in control? Who is being exploited or victimized? Who is seen as the leader, the winner? Who is disrespecting you? Who is helping you? Who is discrediting you? Who is lying about you? Who is doing you wrong? Who is attacking you?

What if God owns everything and has all power and tells us he will not help us unless we agree to be fair to everyone. We must have equity. 

What if there is no God and it is a struggle to rule the world. The alliance with the most power will win. If the Fairness Alliance has the most power, And we refuse to help people that will not agree to join us, then we will win. Everyone will join us to get help from us. It is as if there is a God that has all power and won’t help anyone unless they agree to be fair to everyone. This is much different than the religious viewpoint that God helps both good and evil. However, the religious viewpoint is that good is in a fight with evil, and good will ultimately defeat evil. The way of fairness says that. Everyone that agrees to be fair will win equally. In this way, there is no leader above anyone else.