
Defeat Your Addictions. We Are Close to World Victory.

I am looking for a peaceful effective way to save the world from our own unfairness. My present method and understanding just might work. I am no longer creating conflict with my attempt to stop others from being unfair to me. No one wants to be treated unfairly.

We only need to qualify for Help from the One All Powerful All by stopping our own wrongdoing first. We only need to ask it to punish the institutions, beliefs, philosophies and people that are doing us wrong – unless they stop. If they stop, they are forgiven and honored with no penalties or punishment of any kind. No one wants to be done wrong by anything or anyone.

Surrendering to others – to serve and protect them – and to not fight against them is working. Let the All Powerful do the punishing or correcting.

Obviously, we need a worldwide unity, a common understanding, common beliefs and a common method to bring this about a world of wonderful fairness for everyone. When we are done wrong, we suffer terribly sometimes. We need the way that works taught to everyone.

When you try to stop your own unfairness or any other problem you have such as an addiction you will soon realize that your human mind is not going to stop being wrong. It is the problem. This is why you must give all you are to the One All Powerful All and ask for victory over you own inability to stop doing others wrong.

Ask for help stopping your addiction. We realize our addictions are doing wrong to others. Most people need to become completely abstinent of their addiction at least for a while in order to be victorious over it. Moderation may be a possibility.