
Unity Mind Has Become a Thing

The unity mind is a positive unintended consequence of the internet. Humans are becoming much more telepathic, precognitive and interconnected. We are becoming collectively aware. The World Human Fairness Agreement is becoming more and more possible.

People that reject good evidence of actual truth whether it be objective or subjective are a waste of time to work with. They are deniers of evidence-based truth. They lie to us. We, the Unity mind refuse to help them unless they agree to be fair to everyone like we have already agreed to do.

If they decide they want our provided privacy and secrecy – if they decide they want our love, our support and protection then we can communicate with them using the 1-minute method. We need to do it this way to stay focused on the issue of world human unfairness. It is not fair for them to destroy our bio life systems on the earth. The oceans could become a death zone void of fish or close to it.

What humans are collectively doing is insane. Humans are becoming increasingly insane from this insanity. It must be considered some type of contagious insanity.

Humans are capable of uniting to stop this inept stupefied mind behavior. It is like we are under a spell of helplessness.

Everyone knows we need to unite and help each other rather than wage wars against each other. Greedy capitalism is despicable. We need to stop being unfair to each other. We need to insist all religions surrender to One All Powerful All like we have already done. The obviously false claims of religion must cease. We need to stop exploiting and dominating each other. What I am saying is extremely obvious.

We are in an emergency. We need to quickly unite and stop ourselves from creating a horrid future on planet earth.