
The Most Important Realization

If you do this, you will be happier than you have ever been and so will everyone else.

A way to get liberty and justice for all.

When someone does you wrong, do not retaliate yourself. Resolve all problems with the power of fairness.  The power of fairness will retaliate for you. Those that are unfair will be punished by the power of fairness unless they join the Way of Fairness. You just need to want the power of fairness to stop unfairness in your life. Perhaps you are also being unfair. First give up to fairness, then never give up.

We have no idea what it is that does the punishing. It is a mystery. It is something unknown that actually is real. Perhaps it is the most fair and most powerful extraterrestrial beings that control our world.

Have you realized that we have a problem self. It gets us into trouble. It puts us in pain of some sort. We are that problem self. We try to justify unfairness. There is no way to change this. We must therefore surrender it completely to the One All Powerful All and ask for victory over our problem with ourselves and everything else. This is the only way to defeat our collective ego problem. Human unfairness is creating a terrible disaster. This also applies to all sentient beings that may exist within the one all-powerful all.

We give ourselves completely to the Alliance of The Way of Fairness. This means we understand that there is one all powerful all. It is what everything is. Now we develop good will to all. We begin protecting all.

We want fairness to be the only ruler of all sentient beings. We want unfairness to not allowed. We want this based on actual truth. Actual truth is what is actually real and factual. We want actual truth to have all power. We want those of us that agree to be fair to have privacy and secrecy. We want them covered. We want them hidden from harm. We want our past to be completely forgiven and irrelevant. We want the past to not matter. We want being fair today to be what matters for everyone.

We are not going to be defeated because we chose fairness. First, we had to admit that what we were doing was wrong because it was not fair to people that are fair. We lied to ourselves that they were very unfair people but that was not true. We were telling ourselves a false history was true. We denied that our people had been doing very wrong things to others. All sentient beings are flawed to some degree.

Being unfair brings about our defeat so we choose fairness, and it gives us victory. Those of us that are admitting the truth about unfairness from all sentient beings are now being fair so now we are protected by the power of fairness. It is karma (cause and effect). This is similar to any other law of physical reality. There is no escape from the power of fairness. There is no way to defeat it. All sentient beings that are unfair get punished by the power of fairness until they stop being unfair. Then they are protected by the power of fairness and forgiven and honored. We are doing this ourselves. We are all sentient beings in the one all-powerful all. We do it to each other.  Make up your mind. Are you going to be fair or are you going to be punished for being unfair?

When someone does you wrong, do not retaliate yourself. Resolve all problems with the power of fairness.  The power of fairness will retaliate for you. Those that are unfair will be punished by the power of fairness unless they join the Way of Fairness. We have no idea what it is that does the punishing. It is a mystery. It is something unknown that actually is real. Perhaps it is the most fair and most powerful extraterrestrial beings.