
(rewritten) Win at Life

No one is in charge. Everyone that wins will surrender to being fair. Fairness is in charge. We surrender to it. All of us surrender to it in order to qualify for help from the One All Powerful All. It does not matter if you are atheist or not an atheist. The All-Powerful arranger will arrange one pleasant surprise after another. Your obstructions will vanish. You do not need to make sacrifices or read scriptures. The only rule to obey is to be fair to everyone. We will create a wonderful planet of great people that help each other. We don’t promise other worldly after life heavens. This is based on making our present lifetime all it can be.

Surrender to everyone and everything. It is The All Powerful All that we have surrendered to. Don’t fight against anyone unless you need to in self-defense. The idea here is to not be an enemy to anyone and to surrender if you feel any conflict. Now simply ask the All Powerful to protect you from unfairness. Those that are doing you wrong will be punished until they stop doing you wrong. The All Powerful All may even end their lives if need be.

No one needs to agree with us. It makes no difference what others think about this. If we are doing others wrong, we will also be punished in the exact same way until we stop doing them wrong. This is common sense. There is no value in trying to prove this to others. Let them learn it from the school of hard knocks like we have. Invite them to join us and it is totally up to them what they think and do.

No one is the One All Powerful All. Other people are not ruling us. That would be unfair. The All Powerful all will punish them for their unfair dominion. The point here is win against them without fighting against them or opposing them. Let the fight against them be done for you by the All Powerful.

Surrender to receive protection and then also protect everyone. Protect them rather than fight against them. Everywhere you go protect everyone.

If you feel anger surrender immediately, asking for justice from the All Powerful. Let the All-Powerful fight the fight for you.

Everyone will soon join the way of fairness. It is better than getting bad headaches. It is better than being punished by the All Powerful.

Oh, I am an atheist. Any belief is ok as long as it is fair to everyone.

All religions and governments will comply with the World Human Fairness Agreement.

All disagreements are resolved with the one-minute method. We can use zoom or equivalent to make all this happen quickly without burning jet fuel. All world leaders can meet to agree, using computers rather than in person. This should only take a few days. The religions and constitutions will have a 1 or 2 page forward published that states we will comply with human fairness for all and from all.

There is no authority supreme being in this fairness agreement. The supreme being is invited and can speak for one minute per turn just like the rest of us. If the supreme being is unfair it will be punished by the One All Powerful All. If it claims, it created everything we will require evidence. Let it prove that it created us. This should be simple if it actually is the all-knowing, all-powerful one. They claim this alleged creator individual is here now. I see no proof of that. I want it to prove it to me/us.

We are an alliance of beings that agree to world human fairness. All of us that agree count the same. All of us surrender to the One All Powerful All because we learned it works for our own benefit. We know we will finally be given victory over the unfair world. A fair world that helps everyone will replace it.