
We Need World Agreement and Unity – Obstructions to World Human Fairness Agreement

Obstructions to World Fairness Agreement If everyone believes it will work and it can be done, then it is true that it can be done. If most people don’t believe that it can be done. Then it can’t be done.  People are very stuck in their beliefs about religion. They think that the most important […]


Here is the Gift for Uniting with The Way of Fairness – The World Human Fairness Agreement

The World Fairness Agreement If we can get everyone to do this, it will work. Just wanting world peace and unity without corruption will never make world peace and unity happen until you stop the cause of war, corruption and division. The entire world could agree to not have wars or corruption but there would […]


Do You Want Victory? Perhaps Your God or Group is not Big Enough to Protect You.

It might be Satan or Christ or Satan Christ or Mother Nature or any individual or group of individuals you can think of? Well, it is still smaller than all that is. I call this the All Powerful All. I surrender to everyone and everything several times a day. Everyone wants someone to protect them […]


Message From an Extraterrestrial 

Message From an Extraterrestrial  There are only a few people that are in the know. This is the way it should be. We want unfair people to destroy themselves with their selfish arrogance and ignorance. The evidence proves their religion wrong. The more they fight against human fairness, the more destruction will be upon them.


Their God is not Big Enough – The Pauli Effect

The Pauli effect or Pauli’s device corollary is the supposed tendency of technical equipment to encounter critical failure in the presence of certain people. It was named after Wolfgang Pauli, a theoretical physicist who was known for his work on the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics1. The Pauli effect is not related to the Pauli exclusion […]


They Are Destroying Their Childrens Future as They Criticize My Personal Life.

As they make fun of me or shame me, I watch them being destroyed by each other. I am teaching them a lesson about their selfish arrogance and ignorance.


Punish Those That Are Not Fair From Now On. This is a Prayer or Request

The past is not used to punish at all. It is totally forgiven for those that are fair from now on. Religions and governments will be punished for being unfair. They must also be fair from now on. A higher power will punish those that are unfair. This is a prayer or a request for […]


People Are in a Box of Absurdity. What Follows is a Way Out.

If you listen to our world events, it is obvious that humans have gone insane. It is a theatre of absurdity. People are insane with details, not able to understand the simple solution that follows.


If You Like The Way of Fairness Idea, Write a Recommendation and Share It With Your People. We Can All Be Friends.


Satan is Not the Enemy, Human Unfairness is. Atheists, Godists and Satanists United to Stop Human Unfairness

We agree to be fair even though as humans we fail at being fair sometimes. We strive to increase our fairness. We invite everyone to join us in fairness to all. We believe the only morality is fairness and the only immorality is unfairness. There are mental/spiritual methods for victory and happiness over our difficulties […]