
Humans are Doomed

Humans are doomed because collectively we are not capable of seeing the simple solution of requiring human fairness as our #1 priority. Unfairness of humans must be our #1 concern. Unfairness is the only immorality. Instead of this simplicity to guide our behavior, concerns and policy we use religion or some other imaginary construct. The […]


Humans Imagine Things and Believe They are True.


Unfair Religion is the Major Obstacle to World Fairness. All Human Sex is OK if its Fair.

There is unfairness both within us and in the others. The damage it is doing to us is escalating. We are close to World War 3. The degradation from human caused global warming is escalating. Violent weather increases as the ocean depth rises. The coastal flooding will become severe. Still, the world has not admitted […]


We Must Require Fairness

Required fairness.  It is never too late to require fairness from everyone and for everyone. Unfair people threaten those that want them to be fair. Fair people want fairness and unfair people don’t. Fair people must unite to force fairness upon unfair people. People that refuse to be fair must be punished until they comply […]