
We Need World Agreement and Unity – Obstructions to World Human Fairness Agreement

Obstructions to World Fairness Agreement

If everyone believes it will work and it can be done, then it is true that it can be done. If most people don’t believe that it can be done. Then it can’t be done. 

People are very stuck in their beliefs about religion. They think that the most important thing in the world is their religion. They really think that their God is real. This means they think all the other gods are fake or not true.

We think Religion is stupefying those people that are being taught about a fake God. I think I was stupefied by a fake God that the rest of my family apparently still believe is real and that it is the only real God. 

One person is offended by the beliefs of another, and that person is offended by that. 

Religions make some very big promises to those that are willing to believe. Krishna gives victory to his followers because of the religion’s superior morality. Actually, atheists have a superior morality these days. I argue the only moral is fairness. 

We were told what things we cannot do because these things offend God, and we will be in trouble with God if we offend God. 

I am offended by things that humans do even though I do not believe there is a God that is offended. Often, I conclude that something is wrong with me and not with the others doing things that offend me. I can be the one offending them. 

War, lying and some sexual behaviors offend me just for starters on a long list. Maybe I am the one that is wrong on most things.

Most if not all people would be offended if someone murdered their family. This happens in war all too often. So, we do agree on some things that should not be done.  We have thousands of laws worldwide that tell us what can’t be done. It is deemed that these things are unfair or unjust.

Feelings get hurt

If we just knew the truth, the objective truth that is absolute. Some people think there is no objective truth. If there is no objective truth we can’t ever agree on truth. Some people try to win with the lie that there is no objective truth if there is an objective truth. We agree that some people try to lie to get away with doing wrong to someone. If people think someone is doing them wrong, that someone can get punished somehow. We do not need to agree it is best to avoid doing others wrong. It becomes an issue of – what one can get away with that is harmful to another.

Some people believe a God is going to arrive to settle all this. Others disagree. Or they may believe in different Gods or what the one God of all thinks about it all. 

Maybe we can agree to not fight or do others wrong over all this? 

What is the Pope doing today? What is the Caliphate doing today? What is Putin doing today? What is President Biden doing? What are all the world leaders doing today? Maybe they are preparing for World War 3? All these different sides are trying to gain control of the world. Is there something wrong with this picture or not? They could be agreeing on the World Fairness Agreement.

People tell me I am dumb to think we can all agree on fairness. It is not me that is dumb. Everyone obstructing the World Fairness Agreement is dumb.

This is not a person or a God that saves the world. It is an idea that saves the world at least for today. If the real God arrives to correct us all, that will be great but for now we can at least not damage that God’s planet.