
If You Believe in God and We Are Not Your God, Your God Will Fail You. Actual Truth Has All Power.

If everyone is God equally and each of us is the most important one and we are all equal in power and we all count the same, who is the God over us? It means we surrender to everything and everyone. It means everyone is surrendered to serve and protect everyone. It means we protect everyone from being done wrong.

We have already surrendered to this. Those that try to defeat us will fail. Those that do us wrong will be punished unless they stop doing us wrong. Those that are warming our climate or harming our environment will be punished until the stop doing it. They are doing us wrong. Those that cause division are doing us wrong. We intend on unifying the world to create a good future. You are invited to join us to get the reward. ( see World Human Fairness Agreement in the menu)