
I Defeat Evil. I Explain How to Defeat Evil on this Website.

I defeat evil. Just in case you are afraid to ask. You are invited to help me and/or also to do it yourself like me. Human Evil = human unfairness. Humans are not the only sentient beings in reality. Sentient being unfairness = sentient being unfairness. Material with no mind is neither good nor evil. Choice is what creates evil or destroys it. Destruction of evil is good. I am good. If you are not stopping unfairness you are not doing good. I explain how to defeat evil on the website. If you are doing evil to me you must stop now. The power of fairness is real and it will stop you. I am aware of evil opposition to me. I am being told there will be many people starving to death. I want to document what is happening to me.

My success happens within my mind before it happens in the world. Writing this post is working to defeat evil. I am winning the mind war within. All minds are connected. All minds are one. You can win against evil within your own mind too. This is not about luck. It is about choice.

Read the post “The Most Important Realization.” Sroll down to it. Select it and read it. This explains how to defeat evil.