
Extraterrestrial Telepathic Mind Conflict

Extraterrestrial Telepathic mind conflict. 

Those of us that have had alien contact telepathically have our own experience of mental telepathy. We know that there are extraterrestrials involved in the human mind communicating telepathically. I have concluded that these extraterrestrials are testing human beings. They are testing us for integrity. They have told me telepathically they do not like human beings. They do not like our corruption. They do not like our unfairness. They do not trust us. 

Because of the progress that we’re making for fairness and truth I am being told that their telepathic contact will be greatly increased now. 

I am hearing telepathically a conflict among the other humans. They gang up upon me and they threaten me as a group. They say that I have to leave because I’m atheist. Some of them are greatly disturbed that their alleged God power is failing. They do not respect actual truth. I am feeling the fight flight reaction in my stomach. It tightens up. It is not a comfortable feeling. It is telling me something is wrong and I need to do something about it. Many of them are dangerous people. They are armed with automatic weapons. 

I was told to declare war many years ago in a dream vision. I was awake in a meditation. A personage appeared in front of me and told me to declare war. My current method of war is described in the last few days’ posts. I stay totally surrendered to everyone and I am of service to everyone, regardless of their beliefs. I ask the all powerful all to punish unfair people until they become fair. When people become fair, they are forgiven and honored. Our past is covered and private, and we can have secrets. The only morality is fairness. It is paramount that I stay surrendered. I am no longer fighting the fight myself.

I am convinced that our activity in dreams has an effect on the world. Recently I have been given a dream of a large knife that would be used to cut someone’s throat. I thought the person that appeared with the knife would attack me, but they did not attack me. They just presented me with the knife. I don’t do anything in these kinds of dreams myself. All of this is done for me by some other power using me in the dream. In the telepathic mind conflict, I frequently hear the phrase “cut his throat.” I also frequently hear the accusation that I am crazy. They attempt to discredit me. They attempt to rule over me. Maybe extraterrestrials will end their lives or perhaps extraterrestrials will create misery in their lives unless they surrender to being fair. 

It appears to me that these extraterrestrials are being very patient with humans. With their telepathic and physical appearance here on earth, our human mythological religions are shown to be wrong.

They like what I’m doing with this website. They like the idea of the One All Powerful All. They are also atheists. We realize the difficulty humans have in detaching from their childhood religions, beliefs and rules of order. Many of them are told that we are evil. We like the idea that fairness is good and unfairness is evil. This is a universally accepted, simple idea.