
Alcoholics Anonymous and Dr Bob’s Offense to Atheists

Dr Bob’s Offense to Atheists  ( “Dr. Bob’s Nightmare” – pg. 181 AA Big Book last 2 paragraphs and “How it Works” pg. 59 top of the page)

In Doctor Bob’s story in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, Dr. Bob says that he feels sorry for atheists because they don’t have the benefits of 

an all powerful God. Doctor Bob’s name for God almighty is – Heavenly Father. The big book says there’s one that has all power, that one is God. 

I can see that if you did have the all powerful, whatever it is, on your side, it would be a good idea. Well, as an atheist, I do have the all powerful on my side and it’s not God. It’s the all. It’s everything that is. It’s the totality of what is and it has all power because it’s everything. There’s not anything outside of it. There is no God or Heavenly Father outside of it. Nothing at all is outside of it. Nothing transcends it. No one ever escapes from it. No one is free of it. It is what we are. 

I feel bad for Dr.Bob because his Heavenly Father isn’t big enough. It failed him. It is the cause of suffering that is not needed. It caused a great division in AA from the beginning. However, this great division of religion was not his fault. We have all been born into the world where this is the way things are. 

I suggest Doctor Bob surrender to the all powerful all. This will bring peace and prosperity to the all the people. Who cares if the first cause had a mind in the first place? It really doesn’t matter. Who cares if there is nothing that is supernatural? If you have the all powerful on your side, that’s the best you can do. Oh, make sure you do your third step prayer today to ask for victory over your difficulties. This is what many atheists do. 

We won’t be playing the “My God is Bigger Than Your God Game” any longer. When people claim that they have the all powerful on their side, it makes sense. Which religion is true doesn’t make any difference. We can put a forward in all the scriptures and say that we are surrendered to the all powerful all and we believe in doing no harm. Disregard any harmful unfair scriptures. They are outdated. We did not know any better.  We know better now. 

One reply on “Alcoholics Anonymous and Dr Bob’s Offense to Atheists”

Enjoyed this post and am forming some thoughts I would like to add when I get them more thought out. Thank you

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