
Documentation of Progress. We Won.

I am evaluating the no fighting, total surrender, help everyone, ask for justice – plan for victory. 

I claim truth and justice appear from the all powerful all and nowhere else. I am waiting to see what happens next that brings justice and actual truth that I insist upon. 

I continue documenting my progress in the world of fantasy as follows:

There is a spirit being working with me that wants the bible to be true. She wants me to be the savior. I have been willing to try anything that works as long as it’s fair. 

If they had the power to make me king of the world then I could decree that all fair people are equal in power and count the same including me. I could require the World Human Fairness Agreement be implemented. I have not wavered from this position of fairness. 

I have concluded that the creation of an individual leader in power is not good. Fairness is the only ruler. It is not a person.

Last night my work with the spirits resulted in the conclusion that the Bible, Bhagavad Gita and the Quran are mostly fantasy. They are not factually accurate. Most religious writing contains fantasy or lie. The Gita allows for atheism and rejection of its ideas. But there is a general idea worldwide that atheists are not good people. This is wrong.

Many people are lying and are not fair to me. Often, they are cruel to me. They are doing me wrong in various serious ways in their attempt to defeat atheism. These people are not individuals. They are a gang or a group of people that protect the group from opposition. The ends justify the means is the general rule.

Last night I had a helpful dream in which there was a man that was going to kill me. He supported the Bible. The other people wanted to see who would win. He told me he was going to kill me. Instead of him killing me, I grabbed him by the throat. He could not kill me. I could have killed him. I just wanted him to surrender, to stop wanting to kill me. Then I told him I love him and I gave him a hug. 

The alleged God of the Bible and the Bible network of power is not big enough or powerful enough to defeat me. They have been defeated by me and the All Powerful All again. This also applies to all the other religious fantasy books that use a mythological alleged God

The all powerful all has all power. It is simply that which is actually real. We learn what it is with evidence. This idea is truly about the all powerful because it includes everything.

People that are doing me wrong by trying to defeat me with their God concepts are being punished in various ways until they stop. When they stop doing us wrong they will be forgiven and honored and will not be punished any longer.