
Who’s Fault is it?

There may or may not be a God and a Satan that oppose each other. There are Satanists and Godists as groups of people. Is it the Satanists fault or the Godists fault or both? Maybe it is the atheists fault too? 

What do I mean by fault? What is blame about? I do not blame anything other than unfairness. Other people blame those that fight against them. They do not fight fair. I think fair minded people will win. This is the team I am on. I refuse to be on the team that uses any kind of unfairness. Our fair team is more powerful. We place fairness above whether there is a God or Satan. 

Whether things actually exist or not is a factual thing – a true or false thing. Whether people are fair or unfair is also a factual thing. Join the way of fairness people we will win. All the other groups can make fairness their first priority. I hope they do. I pray for great suffering and death to unfair people unless they agree to be fair now. They are the reason our future is a disaster. If we can convince them to be fair our future will be great.