
What if there are some aliens that can communicate with humans telepathically?

What if there are some aliens that can communicate with humans telepathically? They can do this instantaneously. It’s faster than the speed of light. We don’t know how far away they are. Perhaps they can’t even get here physically. 

What if they rule Earth in this way? For example, they tell me to go to the next town and buy a hamburger. In this town, there’s only one hamburger shop.  They get 1000 people to do this. The hamburger shop has a good day of business. 

What if they tell people that they are God and that we must surrender to God and do everything God wants us to do? Then when we do what they want, they create a good day of business for us.

What if they have been trying desperately to get me under their control? What if they threaten that I will be pulled over by policemen? What if they threaten that I will be murdered? What if they get everyone in the meeting to tell me to leave? 

What if they have a video on us from another dimension recording what we say, think and do?

What if these are the Gods of our mythology?

What if I make a deal with them? If they practice The Way of Fairness, they’re forgiven and honored.

I have posted some dreams about this, blogs and podcasts. I was told to declare war on evil in a waking dream.