
The Law of Fairness. An Invitation to be a – “Friend of Fairness”

The Law of Fairness

The Way of Fairness is at war with unfairness. We only use violence in self-defense of the violence of others. We seek for fairness for all and from all and we seek for an agreeable understanding of truth from all and for all. Deception is almost always unfair. Differences of opinion on what truth and fairness are, will be resolved with the 1-minute method. 

We are The Way of Fairness. We declare that there is no neutrality to fairness. We declare those that do not stand with fairness are the “enemies of fairness.” Those that are neutral are freeloaders, profiting from the suffering of fair people that are stopping unfairness. They may choose to gain from someone that is unfair to us. If you are not with us, we do not protect you from unfairness. 

We agree to be completely fair to our enemies. It is fair to not help people that are not helping us. We want everyone to join us so we can protect them from unfairness. We do not do anything to attack the enemy. There is no need to, and it would be unfair of us. Unfair people attack each other. Unfairness destroys unfairness. 

Our unfair enemies must surrender to being fair to everyone like we already have. Then they are “friends of fairness” and we protect them from unfairness.