
The Bible and Quran are in Opposition to the World Fairness Agreement

Do you like the Bible – yes or no?

Do you like the Quran – yes or no?

The All Powerful All is the only thing that actually has all power. This is what I give my unsolvable issues to for help. Perhaps your God is not big enough? Fight against me and you will be sorry.

Everyone is invited to join the “perfect” idea of The Way of Fairness. It is the humans only hope to stop the next war. It might be World War 3 that we prevent. It is up to you. I already surrendered to the All Powerful All for help. It is not up to me. It is up to the All Powerful All.

You and your God will give up to the All Powerful All. I am an atheist, but you can call the All Powerful All God. All Gods and everything else is within it. It is impossible to divide it. It is singular eternally. It is all that is eternally.

If You are surrendered to the All Powerful All then we will have no disagreement we cannot solve because all disagreements are given to the All Powerful All.

Unity is required for a group of people to get anything done. It is achieved with consensus or with force. The unity tells us we must surrender to it or suffer the consequences.

Examples of this are your local ruling governments. It is the law of that government that you are governed with even if you disagree. There is only so much you can do.

This is why we need the World Fairness Agreement. It will be the current Governments that make The Way of Fairness Happen. Everyone will benefit greatly.