The all is simply the totality of all that exists. We have will as do all sentient beings. There is only one everything. Minds are telepathic and everything is connected and actually one thing. Ask the All Powerful All to punish those individuals that are doing you wrong. haha Finally we have justice. We agree to not do anyone wrong.
Love and fear are just emotions. Emotions are neither right nor wrong. They just are. Simply accept all that happens equally and choose to not do anyone wrong. Choose to do everything you can for you. You are the most important one. Choose to stop others from doing you wrong. We already know how. haha
This is not words of God. There are no gods. I will die one day but these words may become well known. These words save us from unnecessary suffering. I don’t save anyone, but the words do. Actually, you save yourself. These words do not depend on me. I am irrelevant. I have given all I am to the All Powerful All that I serve. I do not need any faith to do this. We do not need any faith. We do not need to trust anyone. One thing happens after another. In the first place no one caused any of this. Earthquakes are no one’s fault unless they have caused it. God does not cause the death of us. The all-powerful all does without having any will of its own. No God designed us or anything else. Everything is the All Powerful All.
It is helpful to see all that is as being nothing at all. There is no life or death. There is just the all-powerful all. We do not actually exist. Therefor we do not actually die. We were not actually born into existing. It is the all-powerful all that exists. It is indestructible and indivisible. It is one. The one has always been us and always will be us. We are not something that can be harmed.
Don’t make anything out of the thoughts in the mind. The thoughts have no power. Throw the thoughts out. Sometimes thoughts appear and sometimes they don’t. They are not anything at all.