
Are You a Friend of Fairness?

2. Think Goodwill to all 3. Stop unfair thoughts about others. 4. Unite with others rather than dominating them. They try to divide us to conquer us. We unite to be unconquerable. There is always some greater power to unite with. The all-powerful all is everything and everyone. It is oneness. We surrender to this […]


Mass Murders – The Worst Thing is Being Lied to

Truth does not rule us as it should. Rather, Deception is the ruler. We learn The Word of God is a lie. We learn the history of USA is a lie. Deception and its perpetuation is the name of the game. The entire culture is one of deception. There is mass murder everyday of suicidal […]


A Point About the Rule of Law.

What happened to the rule of law? It must have been much different before. Now it is a grotesque monster that is out of control. The only thing it does well is make more and more money for attorneys and Judges. Guess who writes the corrupt laws? They do. Who do they write them for? […]


What if everyone united against unfairness? Imagine that.


Peace of mind and victory technique.

Tell us what is not fair and we will help each other. Peace of mind and victory technique. Don’t think anything of anything that people say or do. If you need help with them ask the all powerful all (it’s a thing) for help to solve the problem. Some people want to get our attention […]


Our current governments and religions are painfully slow

Our current governments and religions are incapable of solving the human problems in our world. They are part of the problem. They can join us and become part of the solution.  We are not with any of the political parties or religions. There are useful and good aspects to all of them. We are friends […]


The Law of Fairness. An Invitation to be a – “Friend of Fairness”

The Law of Fairness The Way of Fairness is at war with unfairness. We only use violence in self-defense of the violence of others. We seek for fairness for all and from all and we seek for an agreeable understanding of truth from all and for all. Deception is almost always unfair. Differences of opinion […]


Spirituality is Not a Requirement in The Way of Fairness.

There is only 1 requirement for everyone, and it is fairness to everyone and everything. We must stop doing others wrong. Others includes everything and everyone including truth. Truth is determined with fairness using the 1-minute method. Search for it with the search box. Also, it is in the menu.


The missing puzzle piece. 

The missing puzzle piece.  We’re learning that all of our gods are mythological fiction stories. They are most likely about extraterrestrials that are real. Skeptics won’t believe this, and that’s their problem. Humans can give themselves to gurus or Gods or systems of thought. This is the devotion or the worship that humans do to […]


There are no Gods. Serve Fairness Over All.