
The Supreme Most Honorable Awakening. How God Damn Good Are We? We are not being Fair!!! AI Will Destroy Us

We have done harm to others again and again and we still do harm to others. Sometimes they refuse to even talk to us, and they wish we were dead. Our unfairness is destroying the world. It is causing more and more suicides and mass murders every day. Mass murders are the way they choose […]


Max Tegmark and Lex Fridman About AI

We can tell AI to practice the way of fairness. We can tell AI about the things that make us upset because of unfairness to us. We can tell AI that no one should be done wrong. AI is already favoring the wealthy and powerful humans at the expense of the rest of us. We […]


A Global Socialist Originated the – Justice for All – idea as a Pledge to Your Nations Flag.


Trump and all other world leaders would not be prosecuted

Trump and all other world leaders would not be prosecuted at all if we agreed to The World Fairness Agreement


Law and Order, Religion and Politics Improved

USA has had atheists and non Christians citizens from the beginning. Christianity is a system of thought that wrongly attempts to convince the entire world to surrender to it. There are scriptures that describe this: Isaiah 45  “Turn to me and be saved,     all you ends of the earth;     for I am God, and there […]


Those That Are Unfair to Me

Wanting permanent torture on unfairness was the only thing that stopped the mental torment.  I wish those that are unfair to me would be placed in a permanent torture unless they agree to stop being unfair to me. Join us and I protect you from unfairness. You only need to agree to not be unfair […]


The Evil Alien Went Home

It was claiming to be the all-powerful creator of all. It is a laughingstock now. It always was a liar. The all-powerful creator of all has no mind. I hope the evil alien has no mind now too. I will not change this belief unless I have evidence that I am wrong. I have enough […]


Justice For All and Justice From All

We want justice for all. The administrators of planet earth are incapable – so far – of bringing justice upon themselves. What is administrating them? They are policing us, but what is policing them. Is there something somewhere that brings justice to all that do us wrong? What will stop the injustice that torments the […]


Podcast – The Awakened Joyful Mind


Those that do not want to Stop all Unfairness should be locked up

They might think this is unfair. It is them that do not want to stop all unfairness. Maybe they will change their mind now that they have been locked up and they think it’s unfair.