
Alien Intervention is Happening

Surrender to the all-powerful all and establish World Fairness Agreement. I was told to tell people they will be shown what I am talking about. Those that won’t agree to stop being unfair will be punished. The aliens have already surrendered to this agreement. Humans must fair to each other.


What We Fear Controls Us

There is a school of thought from The Course in Miracles. It claims there are only 2 emotion – love or fear. I disagree. Love does not conquer fear. people claim that it does. They usually use evil against others because they do not dare to defeat evil and instead, they form a partnership with […]


Liars Think They are Bigger Than Truth

The liar attempts to determine what people think is true. The other liars agree with the other liars. Liars think they can defeat truth. They think they can defeat honest people with their lies. Do you think there is an objective truth independent of human consciousness? Do you think we determine what truth is or […]


We don’t need to get hurt and angry anymore from being done wrong because of this technique

Sorry, I sometimes have negative thoughts about you. It makes me worth less than you. Have you ever had negative thoughts about others? We are forgiven if we try not to. Being human is difficult. We don’t need to get hurt and angry anymore from being done wrong because of this technique I teach. You […]


My Plea for Help is Being Heard.

My plea for help is being heard. Have you heard of it? Those that were clueless as to what is wrong have seen enough absurdity. They are stepping aside from the old way they were told. They are seeing clearly that what is wrong is unfairness. What is wrong is that people are doing wrong […]


We Are Not Violent, We Just Have Violent Prayers

You have been done wrong by many people. I argue they knew they were doing you wrong. I just posted a blog explaining it is the governments that will be the enforcers. People get tortured in wars. I can pray for all unfair people to be tortured unless they agree to being fair and then […]


The Governments Would be the Enforcers of Fairness.

As I stated in the World Fairness Agreement, we want all governments to agree to be fair to each other and to be fair to the people and to enforce fairness for all of us. The governments would be the enforcers of fairness. We just need to teach all the people this idea of fairness […]


Dream of The Controller Aliens

They were trapped or lost. They put humans under their control to solve their problem. I was directed to join a war against them. They agreed to stop controlling to end the war, but we had to agree to guide them home. This dream is coming true. It is The Way of Fairness and World […]


We Can Stop the Tragic from Happening?

Religion is thought of much differently than say 20 years ago, same with politics, same with technology, and what we believe it is to be human. Things have changed fast. They will most likely change faster over the next 20 years. If we implement the World Fairess Agreement these changes will happen easily with no […]


There is Hate Speech in Scriptures