
I Had a Vision – World Fairness Agreement Will Save You

I had a vision in which I was told to declare war by an ET. She knew the unfairness that was happening to me. Things stayed unfair. I was asked if I wanted to have them destroy everything because I did not want anyone else to have the unfairness happen to them. I said yes. […]


Exclusive Instruction Only Here


Hatred and Fear Becomes the Norm

This is caused by systemic unfairness. Everyone is silenced. Then no one cares. Now everyone has fear.


The Bible is a war against the enemies of its God.

Saying that’s enough, saying that you give up is not enough. You must also agree to stop doing us wrong. You will be punished continually until then. When you actually stop doing us wrong you will be honored and forgiven, and we will protect you from others doing wrong to you.  The Bible is a […]


Jordan Peterson Has dangerous Unfair Beliefs

Why are intelligent people afraid to understand my ideas? Are they afraid or are the unfair or both? My ideas are not hard to understand. Why am I not allowed to destroy the complexity with simple truth that will make our future a future of fairness rather than a future of unfairness? If you want […]


Love Does Not Conquer the World. Fairness Does.

Love does not conquer all things. Fairness does with our prayers and philosophy to punish those that do us wrong. Unfair people cannot win even with their unfair religions. They can say love conquers all things a million times and it will still be false. They can say love is the answer a million times […]


Read something from The Way of Fairness everyday. If it works share it with friends.


How to Receive What You Want

It is the I am ego that is threatened. Just don’t be anything and rely on the All-powerful all to do everything for you. Let the only thing that actually exists be the All Powerful All. Humility is this. When we are not anything we do not need to think.  We have no fear of […]


How to: Unite Workers , Free the mind, Save the planet, Stop others from doing us wrong.

We are in a war against human unfairness. We are not dangerous. Jordon Peterson is unfair, and his followers are unfair and dangerous as he told them to be. Many humans are like this claiming they can be unfair if they want to be. Just look at the unfairness in corporations and religions. Unfairness fights […]


Surrender to the All Powerful All. There is no God with Mind or Will.

The all is simply the totality of all that exists. We have will as do all sentient beings. There is only one everything. Minds are telepathic and everything is connected and actually one thing. Ask the All Powerful All to punish those individuals that are doing you wrong. haha Finally we have justice. We agree […]