
There Is Only One All Powerful All There Are No Other Gods

Everyone counts the same that serve the All Powerful All and Fairness for all, Fairness from All. Those that refuse to agree to be fair are foolish and are worth less. Unfair people are not appreciated. Unfair people are obstructing The World Fairness Agreement. We pray they are removed from the planet.


Aliens Try To Control Me

 Some are still trying to be a God over me. They never will be a God. Actually, there will never be gods anywhere and there never has been any gods. There’s only the All-powerful all and it always has had all power and it always will have all power and none of us will ever […]


Podcast – Maya

Maya compared to simulation reality. Instruction on how to manifest wonderful surprises from the illusion of Maya as compared with Quantum entanglement, parallel worlds, superdeterminism etc.


Peace is Impossible A High Degree of Fairness is Possible.

We will forever be defeating unfairness. It is the war against evil. With The World Fairness Agreement, we can make serious hit on evil. Join the winning side. They will not be able to ignore this shit. I have the shit that wins it all. You can only get this shit here. I am so […]


We Are Serving All, We Are the All, The All Wants Justice for All

Teach everyone to be fair to everyone. We cannot have too much humility and fairness. To achieve absolute humility practice “I am not anything” We must surrender to the all-powerful all asking it to protect us and defend us from others because we are not protecting or defending ourselves when we practice absolute humility. The […]


No One Is God, Surrender to the All powerful All

They tell me I better give up. I did give up why don’t they give up and surrender to like I did. I am nothing at all. I have asked for the All Powerful All to punish those that are unfair to me. They tell me I am dead. I doubt that. I am […]


We Must Surrender to the All Powerful All to Get Relief from Headache.

I am the world savior because the all-powerful all selected me to be the world savior. This is the only way I get relief from distress. It solves the argument. This idea saves the world. This means we stop destroying each other. I am warning you to not disrespect me or do me wrong in […]


Everyone Must Surrender to the All Powerful All and be Fair to Each Other

This is the only way to get relief from distress, discomfort and pain. I had too also. It does not matter what you did. This has nothing to do with our past. It is about right now. Pass it on, share –


The Devil Is Running From The DevilĀ 

The above title was told to me by a telepathic message from my nonphysical friend. The devil is both inside us and outside of us. It an aspect of ourselves. This is about those that are claiming they are me. Surrendering to the terms of is the only way to get relief from the […]


Fairness Will Continue Ruling Us After I Die

Everyone can make the same claims of Fairness being our ruler that are expressed on and The World Fairness Agreement I can die and the idea here will still be the world ruler. Everyone counts the same that has agreed to be fair to everyone. Those that have not agreed will now agree or […]