
Are Adversarial Aliens Trying to Stay in Control of Humans from Within Our Minds?

Many of my posts and podcast are about this. This vicarious alien in human mind is how I explain my experience. The fight between me and the controllers is documented in my posts. Some of it may trigger you. I use offensive language telepathically to fight them and defeat them from their attempt gain control […]


The So-Called Civilized World of Corruption

Our so-called civilized world is those that have much exploiting those that don’t have much.This is how they got there; by exploiting others.  The Constitution and the laws and the policies we have now have been developed by the people that exploit others.Not too long ago they had slaves.They still have wage slaves.  Unfairness of […]


Surrender to All. Accept All. Protect All. Be Nothing at All. Don’t Think at All. Don’t Care at All. Good Will to All.

When we are in a situation that may involve egoic conflict from others. Use this short, memorized instruction. Our protection and justice come from the All Powerful All. Let the others think what they may. We are actually safer from others with this mentality.


Acceptance is Surrendering to Receive.

I’m not anything. The situation that’s happening is not anything. I surrender to, and accept the situation. I know the All Powerful all is with me protecting me and providing for me. I protect the All. I don’t make any thoughts about it. If I was to make thoughts about it they wouldn’t be anything […]


Feelings Happen, They Are Neither Right or Wrong.

Don’t create thoughts from them. Keep your mind silent.


Short Comments or Questions Are Welcome. I Usually Won’t Respond.



My new habit is to create no new thoughts about anything. If a thought appears, throw it out quickly with kindness. Keep a silent mind.


Rules are meant to be broken is a rule that’s meant to be broken.

Maybe there is no truth, is truth so, is there any truth? If you cut off your finger, then your finger is gone. If you cut off someone else’s finger, then someone else’s finger is gone. There are other choices. Maybe reality is what smacks us in the head every morning for unfair choices?


When I Meditate, I am not Anything at all.

When I meditate, I am not anything at all. My experience is not anything at all. I do not want any experience or thoughts. 


Unfair Aliens Want Me to Die.

They want to take me home. They want me on the other side. They want me to die. In return I want them to suffer great distress. I curse them with bad luck.  I am already home. I declare war on them. I will never give up. I am human. They are aliens.  Some aliens […]