
Our System of Law is Grossly Unfair

The website is here to create a new world order of fairness for all and fairness from all. There is only one way to do it and that is to do it. We must do it now or suffer the consequences of not creating fairness for all and fairness from all. There is no excuse for not making it happen now.

The first step is to all unite with the idea we want fairness for all and from all immediately. We need this to be a worldwide movement. Religion and philosophy are the worst offenders of unfairness that obstruct this unity that we must have. They could transform into the force that makes it happen by using this websites idea as the foundational idea of all religion and philosophy.

Disregard the subjective speculations and evidence and only focus on the objective facts that are conveyed. We all have our own subjective experience that motivates us. All things that unify with fairness for all and from all is what we focus on. With world unity taking place we are going to suffer great tragedy. We should not be fighting each other anymore. We must unite and cooperate. The only script is to create fairness for all and from all.

Fairness demands The World Fairness Agreement happens ASP. This needs to be the #1 priority of the world. Those that fight against this are the enemy until they decide to help us do it. We must defeat the opposition to fairness for all and fairness from all. There can be no compromise to this ideal. It needs to be the foundation of all laws. It needs to be at the root of every law, religion and philosophy. This is obvious to us.

We are focused on the wrong things. We let ourselves become distracted by unfairness harmful people that do not see what is important. Our task is to get this idea to everyone, so they understand the importance of this cause.