
Justice For All and Justice From All

We want justice for all. The administrators of planet earth are incapable – so far – of bringing justice upon themselves. What is administrating them? They are policing us, but what is policing them. Is there something somewhere that brings justice to all that do us wrong? What will stop the injustice that torments the fair people? Fair people are not causing the injustice. Unjust people are causing the injustice. This is about everyone. No one should be allowed to degrade the fair people.

There is a way to make justice for all happen. Unite with us. This is the only way. The administrators will never establish justice for all. They are not capable. It is impossible. We need total compliance with the – fairness for all and fairness from all – that The Way of Fairness is here to make happen. It will take everyone united against unfairness to establish justice for all and justice from all.