Teach everyone to be fair to everyone. We cannot have too much humility and fairness.
To achieve absolute humility practice “I am not anything” We must surrender to the all-powerful all asking it to protect us and defend us from others because we are not protecting or defending ourselves when we practice absolute humility. The All does a much better job for us than we do for ourselves. We are our own worst enemy.
Perfect fairness is not a possibility. We just do the best we can to be as fair as possible. We pay the people we exploited back somehow.
We forget about yesterday. It is now irrelevant if we are working toward The World Fairness Agreement. Let the all-powerful all arrange the retribution. It is best to not retaliate ourselves. The all-powerful all will tech in a kind and effective way that others cannot do us wrong without consequence.
There are 3 things we need to surrender to.
- The All Powerful All
- The Way of Fairness
- The World fairness Agreement