
How to Defeat Evil – A New Religion – The Way of Fairness

A New Religion

The Way of Fairness

How to Defeat Evil. 

Evil = Unfairness. 

Fairness versus Unfairness = Good versus Evil. 

Unfairness = Wrongdoing. 

Now we know precisely what evil is. It is unfairness. There are at least 2 sides in a conflict. The side in a conflict that is fair is not evil and the side that is unfair is evil. Almost always the 2 sides are mixed – sometimes very closely mixed between fair and unfair. To win we simply need to stop being unfair. Fairness defeats unfairness. Good defeats evil.

When unfairness is not stopped in any conflict it escalates and it becomes increasingly complex. It corrupts everything. Wars happen. Crime increases. Society becomes degraded and there is hopelessness. 

If you are unfair, give up. If you are fair, never give up.

I had a waking dream in the early 90s that told me I can defeat evil. I believe this message was about my future.

I have just told everyone how to defeat evil worldwide. We simply unite as one people standing against unfairness and protecting each other from it.