
All the Drama of Life is Irrelevant. Being Fair is What Matters. 

Stay surrendered to fairness. Let the chips fall where they may. Others, more powerful than ourselves, are fighting the fight for fairness for us. All the drama of life is irrelevant.  

I believe fairness will save us. Fairness is not a person or God. Fairness is a choice.

I believe the future is already determined – we don’t really have free will. We still choose the choices we already made. The future can be shown to us.

I still don’t want unfair people around. I think they have to leave.

We ask that fairness be rewarded, and unfairness be punished. There may or may not be an intelligent God that has all power and it’s will is always what happens. We know we exist.

Be kind, be helpful, care about everyone and everything and do not do others wrong. Maybe we are eternal. Maybe when we do wrong to others it never goes away.