
A Point About the Rule of Law.

What happened to the rule of law? It must have been much different before. Now it is a grotesque monster that is out of control. The only thing it does well is make more and more money for attorneys and Judges. Guess who writes the corrupt laws? They do. Who do they write them for? Themselves. 

There was a time when lying was against the moral order. This is where the rule of law we use went wrong. We have no law against lying that does harm. Also, there are no laws against unfair laws. We need to make a law against unfairness from any of us to any of us. Why don’t the attorneys that become our politicians and writers of law do this? Very simple answer here. Because they are unfair themselves. The entire judicial branch has let itself become corrupted with unfairness for their personal gain.

Will they make the rule of law fair on their own. Not a chance – it will never happen. Why? Because they are corrupted with unfairness. Is there a chance the people could unite and demand fairness from our rule of law? yes! There sure is. We simply need to all unite for fairness form ourselves and others. Why is this difficult to bring about? Because the people are unfair also.

There is a battle between the people that want fairness and the people that try to stop us from forcing them to be fair. This is the battle between good and evil.