
Why did they – aliens- want me to be king of the universe?

Why did they – aliens- want me to be king of the universe? Was it because they trust me most? They are difficult to understand. I already explained it is fairness that is the ruler not me. 

They – aliens- have not made me the king or savior or anything yet. I suspect this is what they were trying to do with Christianity. Perhaps they are involved in all world domination schemes. I do not know.

They have not tricked me into anything yet. 

My only help for them and the world is The World Fairness Agreement. They must be stupid.

I am going to rewrite the Pamphlet to update it to my above conclusion. I was thinking they were going to make something happen to put the world in their control by requiring fairness. I have given up on them and that idea.

They told me I would know yesterday and now they say not until tomorrow. They are trying to get me interested in the window view. I am not even interested.