
What We Did Does Not Matter – A way Out of Ground Hog Day

The past is irrelevant. We cannot change the past. We can either fight against it or we can accept it. Right now, in the present moment, we can change our thinking. This is the key to creating a better future. What follows is some techniques on how I change my thoughts in the present moment. 

  1. I completely detach from everything and meditate as if I am that which is in an empty cup. 
  2. I remember that I have surrendered to the all powerful all to solve my problem. 
  3. I remember the change unfair thoughts to fair thoughts as explained in the post
  4. I realize that I’m going to be doing this technique over and over again. 

When someone brings up the past, realize they may be trying to control you. Because you have agreed to be fair to everyone and you have surrendered for help from the all powerful all, what you have done in the past is not relevant.