
The Way of Victory – Victory Prayer

The Way of victory. Welcome! 

Atheist or not atheist is irrelevant. You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours.

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Atheist or not atheist is irrelevant. Because we agree to be fair to everyone, we are granted victory over adversity in life. We ask for victory over those that are doing us wrong. We ask that they be disciplined. They must be stopped from being unfair to us. We ask that they also become agreeable to being fair to everyone. Unfair people lose. Fair people win. People that are unfair become dazed and confused. They will feel hopelessly lost. We honor and forgive unfair people after they choose fairness. They will no longer feel confused, lost and powerless.

All of us have an ego problem that makes us selfish and unfair minded. We need to surrender to the all powerful all because this aspect of ourselves never goes away.

Give all that you are, all your thoughts, feelings, everything to the all-powerful all. Does it have an all-knowing mind originally that created us? This is an interesting question, but it is irrelevant for our victory over our ego problem and over those that do us wrong because of their ego problem. There are servants of the all-powerful all with great powers of creation that stop others from doing us wrong.

We need to surrender every day and acquire a peaceful silent mind. While doing the surrender imagine being that which is in the empty cup. Breath slower and deeper. Relax! Everything is going to be ok. We are going to win. Do this surrender to win process whenever something troubles your mind. A silent peaceful mind is a powerful mind.

We ask for all war to end and for fairness for all and fairness from all. We ask for the world fairness agreement to happen. It is the way war will end and fairness begin.

Because there’s no law against being unfair to others, we had no way to stop others from being unfair to us. The “Way of Fairness” is a way to stop others from being unfair to us. 

Humans naturally form groups. We are born into groups. Generally speaking. The first group is our family group. It is ruled by mom and dad. The next group is larger and it is the tribe we’re in. Also, there are various religions or political parties that we are in a group with. Common to all of these groups is protection from others and a common purpose. Humans can join groups just from the ideas of the group. This is what the way of fairness is. We define ourselves as a group of people that are stopping others from being unfair to us. Everyone is welcome and when everyone joins there will no longer be people that are unfair to others. We define all the people into two groups, the group of people that are fair to others and the group of people that are not fair to others. For our purpose of stopping others from doing us wrong, these are the only two groups of people that exist in our definition of humanity.

We practice the victory prayer as law often as required. Because we are relying on servants of the all powerful all to do the disciplining. We do not know about what discipline could be happening. 

We have two purposes in the way of fairness. First, we stop others from doing us wrong. Next, we acquire a happy mind. When someone does us wrong and we do the victory prayer about it. Then we leave the situation behind. We can then imagine servants of the all-powerful all disciplining the people that were unfair to us. Doing this imagination generally creates happiness within ourselves. We can imagine things are really happening. Actually, things are happening to those that did us wrong. They really are being disciplined – taught a lesson – correctly.

We are able to stop thinking about what happened to us. The emotional hurt we used to experience is no longer happening to us. Now, instead of being emotionally hurt, we are emotionally happy. We can’t even think of goodwill toward the ones that we perceived did us wrong. We can be helpful to them. We can pray that they become fair minded and happy too.

We keep getting the same lesson over and over again until we learn it. I think I’m past being hurt by others. I enjoy it because I can’t wait to imagine the lesson that they’re going to learn. They’re not going to like it and I will. Is this the lesson that all humanity needs to learn? We need to learn that a higher power will punish those who do us wrong if we’re not doing anyone wrong ourselves. They just can’t do it to us anymore. 

We only need to keep surrendering moment after moment all that we are to the All-powerful all. 

When we do this, all obsessive thinking stops, worrying stops and the repeated analysis of what happened stops. Happiness returns. Peace of mind returns. We become clear minded and naturally become helpful. We choose to care about others instead of having problems with others.